Monday, January 30, 2012


So our budget for professional development is slim this year --that means no TLA convention since it's in Houston.  However we have a great alternative right here close to home--the TCEA conference.  The Texas Computer Educator Association is not only for computer people, they have a large section of presentations for librarians as well.  And the vendor area is huge!  Not as many book vendors obviously but a lot of the same people we deal with for databases and equipment. 

There's also an app for my phone containing the conference schedule.  I love it!  I can tell at a glance which sessions I was interested in.  I can post the different sessions to the schedule and if there's an overlap, that's okay.  I have a choice if the session I want is full.

I didn't go last year but year before when I went, I learned so many Web 2.0 tools, my head hurt.  I was able to share a lot of websites with teachers and found some nice laptop batteries, which my tech person and I were able to purchase to help out our laptops. 

All in all, if you are reading this blog, you are probably the kind of person who has all ready registered for a conference like this.  But on the off hand chance you haven't, check it out!

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