Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dr. Mary Ann Bell

Another presentor I thoroughly enjoyed at TCEA was Dr. Mary Ann Bell of Sam Houston State University.  Her presentation was entitled "Surviving Hard Times" and she had several great ideas to help libraries get through the current budget crisis. 

Some of her ideas involved tech issues that I have no control over.  And one idea was not to subscribe to AR any more.  That's a great idea and luckily, we don't use it here so no worries!  She did suggest looking at IPL  (Internet Public Library) for information to help supplement dwindling databases.  I always forget about that site!  And she mentioned some academic database lists from Wikipedia.  Haven't checked those out yet so I can't speak to that, but I would assume, since this is from Dr. Bell, it's a good resource.

The best suggestion she gave (and this isn't really one to get through the budget crisis) is to check out her page on Pinterest. It's called Mabell's Medicine Show for raising morale.  And she has some great pins on it!  I laughed and laughed.....and promptly repinned most of them! 

Another great speaker--if you ever get the chance to hear her speak, go!!!

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